Millions face an uncertain water future.   Jutaan nyanghareupan hiji mangsa nu bakal datang cai pasti .

World Water International is dedicated to legal public education regarding water issues, supporting local communities and non-governmental agencies.


The water needs of women and girls are explicitly mentioned in Goal 6.2 of the current United Nations sustainable development Goals (sdGs), as are their access to economic resources, basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services (Goal 1.4). For more information see 

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China assisting with Vietnam drought, Mekong River basin.

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United Nations, file:///C:/Users/hydro/AppData/Local/Temp/WIGO_Book_2016_Chapter-2.pdf

​Gender and Water

Resource constraints result in lower than optimal local community participation in water policy, according to the United Nations. World Water Law is here to help with legal and policy matters.

working toward a sustainable water future for all
 Working toward sustainable water for all

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